Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Getting ready for the slopes the right way!!!

By: Dr. Amir Mahmud

With the upcoming snow season around the corner many of us are getting ready to hit the slopes. We are buying the newest boards, bindings and snow gear to help us perform better. But the one thing we usually don’t think about is that a healthy body can significantly contribute to enhanced performance. Here are a few tips on how to get ready for the slopes and what to do in order to prevent injuries.

Warm up/stretch prior to hitting the slopes:

o Like any other sporting event it is a good idea to warm up and stretch to
Getting ready for the slopes the right way!!!

o Warming up and stretching increases your flexibility, which can help prevent sprains/strains and as a result improve your performance.

Get on a strength program:

o In order to avoid low back injuries associated with twisting and jumping it is essential to have a strong core for stability.

o Strengthening the knee is also crucial for winter sports. Your knee acts as a hinge in between your hips and ankle. With the ankles strapped into your boots a lot of the pressure is going to be put on the knees. As a result knee injuries are very common in snowboarding and skiing.. In order to prevent knee injuries you want to strengthen your quads, calf’s and hamstrings. Simple exercises such as calf raises, wall squats, lunges and hamstring curls work great for knee stability.

• Wear a helmet:

o This is going to be very crucial when it comes to injury prevention. No matter if you are playing a contact sport like football or a non contact sport such as snowboarding or skiing wearing a helmet can prevent catastrophic brain injuries and save lives.

Get adjusted:

o You might ask why do I need to be adjusted? Adjustments help normalize the body’s biomechanics, restore abnormal function, and increase muscle strength. As a result you will have increased range of motion, which will enhance your ride.

Hope these tips have helped you. If you have any specific questions in regards to strength programs or specific injuries feel free to drop us a line and we will get back to you. Have fun out there and be safe.

Dr. Amir Mahmud is a Sports Chiropractor at CSI (Chiropractic Sports Institute) in Westlake Village. Dr. Amir has vast experience working with athletes both professional and Amateur. He is the current Team Doctor for the Newbury Park HS Lacrosse team and travels with the Mobile CSI Sports Medicine team caring for athletes across southern California. He can be reached at (805) 371-0737.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cyclists and Mountain bikers, use your heads, wear a helmet!

By: Dr. Terry Weyman

While riding along the trails surrounding sycamore canyon in Newbury Park, Ca, I was shocked at how many riders do not wear their helmets! I applaud people for climbing on their bikes, both new and old, and forging out to “feel the burn”. Just don’t forget the most important piece of cycling equipment, a helmet. The excuses that riders come up with shock me, from “its too hot” to “I’m not going that fast or far”. I don’t remember leaving my house saying, “I better wear my helmet since I plan on having an accident today”. What is worse is when I see the parent of a helmet wearing child without their helmet. The example we are setting is what, when you grow up your brain goes to mush so its not worth protecting?

A Cycling helmet is more than a fashion accessory, it is as important as the bike you are sitting on. According to the U.S. emergency room stats there are 600,000 cycling injuries a year with 1,000 of these leading to death. Head injuries lead the list of injuries and account for the most serious injuries and causes of death. As a Sports Doctor and an ex bike racer, I have seen serious head injuries from falls where the rider was going less than 5 mph. The hills surrounding Ventura County attract all forms of cycling enthusiasts from Moms and Pops out for a Sunday Cruise to advanced racers training for the next race. With this diversity comes a wide range of skill levels. The trails themselves have so many “blind curves” and ever changing terrain that even the most skilled rider must pay attention if he/she wants to stay upright. Head on collisions, getting caught in a tricky rut, a stick jumping up and going in your front wheel,or simply loosing control sliding around a corner, without a helmet your brain does not have a chance. If you’re too lazy to don a helmet for a cruise to the beach, think of the other rider who may not see you and comes tearing around a blind turn and takes you out. What thoughts will be going through your head while you lay in a hospital bed wondering if you will ever be able to feed yourself again. Folks, invest in a good helmet, set an example to your kids and remember, you only have one head!

Dr. Terry has been involved with high level cycling his entire 20+ year career. For more infomation visit our website at