Monday, March 28, 2011

CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME, what is it and do you have it?

Dr.Terry Weyman

“My wrist hurts. Do I have carpal tunnel syndrome?” This is one of the leading questions I am asked in my practice. In the past 10 years, carpal tunnel syndrome has become one of the most significant medical problems affecting the U.S. population. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive motion disorders account for over 60 percent of all workplace injuries. Computer operators have joined assembly line workers, meatpackers, building tradesmen, hairstylists, dental assistants, cashiers and others as victims of repetitive strain injuries causing these disorders to be dubbed “the number one occupational hazard of the twentieth century.”

So now what? Unfortunately carpal tunnel syndrome is also one of the most over and misdiagnosed conditions along with sciatica. Carpal tunnel is defined as “a compression of the median nerve at the wrist. This compression is caused by one of two things: one, swelling of the tissue (blood vessels, nerves, fat and tendons) surrounding the nerve in a tunnel-like passage (canal) in the wrist. This swelling can be as simple as fluid retention associated with mensration, etc. The second possible cause is a collapse of one or more of the carpal bones compressing the median nerve. This collapse can be the result of an injury (landing on your outstretched hand and bending your wrist backwards or any forced hyperextension wrist injury) or from sustained pressure from activities like typing/keypunching, chopping, hammering or pushing. The symptoms include pain, weakness and numbness in the thumb and first finger (pointer finger), and could involve the second finger (middle finger). These are the only locations of symptoms if the diagnosis is carpal tunnel syndrome. If the pain, numbness and/or weakness are in the entire hand, outside of the hand, in the forearm, or if you also experience pain in the cervical spine then another diagnosis must be made. A complete exam, along with specific x-rays, is helpful in making the proper diagnosis.

There are many ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome depending on the severity, among other considerations. In most cases, Chiropractic adjustments of the carpal bones performed in a specific manner can be very effective in relieving the pressure on the median nerve. Specific biomechanical adjustments coupled with soft tissue techniques, such as ART (Active Release Technique), have experienced a success rate of 80% and above (according to an independent study performed in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1999). Specific exercises to strength the weakened tissue should complete the treatment protocol.

Some physicians may prescribe medication and /or inject cortico-steriods which may temporarily alleviate pain and swelling. However, it often does not treat the actual problem and the symptoms may return. Surgery may be recommended in extreme cases, but surgery may lead to scarring of the transverse ligament, as well as creating instability of the carpal (wrist) structure. The scarring can further irritate the median nerve causing the symptoms to return. Since surgery only has a success rate of up to 13%, all other means of treatment should be exhausted prior to consent.

As one of the most widespread occupational hazards, carpal tunnel syndrome is painful and debilitating. Specific Chiropractic manipulation is proven to be one of the most effective methods of treatment, and early treatment will lead to a quicker and easier recovery. Regardless of which treatment is used, full recovery will only come about by avoiding stressful situations and changing work ergonomics and habits. Seek advise from your Chiropractor, Doctor, therapist, nurse practioner or your company ergonomics specialist.

Dr. Terry Weyman is a Sports Chiropractor who specializes in the active person. He is the owner of the Chiropractic Sports Institute with offices in Westlake Village, Ca and Moorpark, Ca. For more information you can visit our website at

The snow continues to fall, is your body ready for the last minute trip?

Dr.Terry Weyman

With all of the storms that keep pounding California, ski resorts are bousting record snow falls. Mammoth received over 185” in 20 days and snow summit has a base of several feet which is the most they have had in years. With all of this “white gold” most athletes can’t wait to head to the hills. However, as with any sport, preparation is the key to success. Without it, you will increase the risk of injury as well as limit your time on the snow. Most of us know how important it is to have a regular exercise routine for basic health, yet that task becomes more difficult as we get older and busier in our daily lives.

As the price of lift tickets and accommodations increase, you will want to prepare for your ski trips to insure that your investment pays off. You will need cardiovascular endurance as well as full body strength. Most of us hit the slopes and plan on skiing all day, even if it's been months or years since we last skiied. By afternoon, you're so tired you lose focus and this is often when injuries and accidents are most likely to happen.

To prepare your heart and body for all day skiing, your cardio program should include 3-5 days each week of your favorite activity (the best for skiing include running, Stairmaster, cycling, strong hiking, rollerblading and sports specific training). Try to have a variety of workouts (listed below are examples of different workouts that you can use) lasting from 20-45 minutes. As you get closer to your trip, you can also add time to one of the workouts so that you have one long workout each week. It is best to hire a certified trainer to customize your training, however, if you are unable, the below examples area good guideline.

Workout 1: Interval training (stairstepping 4-5 sets with bursts of high intensity-recovery training), 20-30 minutes
Workout 2: Medium pace workout (average wt, 3 sets with reps of 15-20), 40 minutes
Workout 3: Short, intense workout (heavy wt, hard work, 1-3 sets wit reps of 2-6 speed and quickness training), 20 minutes
Workout 4: Medium pace workout, 45 minutes
Workout 5: Long, slow workout (endurance training), 60 minutes
Build Your Strength

What makes skiing such a great exercise is that is uses all of your muscle groups. However, some muscles are used more than others and those are the ones you want to concentrate on when it comes to your strength workouts. Skiing involves:

1. Quadriceps: The quads are possible the most used muscles in skiing. These muscles hold you in position as you ski, and they also provide protection for your knees. Great exercises for the quads include squats, leg presses and lunges.
2. Hamstrings & Glutes: When skiing downhill, you typically hold your body in a flexed position--meaning you're leaning forward from the hips. This requires great strength from your hamstrings and glutes as they help stabilize your body. Work your hams and glutes with deadlifts, leg curls and lunges.
3. Inner/Outer Thighs: Your inner thighs work very hard to keep your skis together. Your outer thighs keep your body stable and help you steer. Work these muscles with side lunges, inner thigh squeezes and leg lifts.
4. Calves: Because your knees are bent as you ski, your calves (specifically the soleus) help you stay upright so you don't fall over (your ski boots help too). You can work this muscle by doing seated calf raises.
5. Abs, back and CORE: Because you're in a flexed position, bent over, your back has to work to hold your body in that position. Your abs help in that endeavor while also protecting your spine. Your lats get involved as you ski on a flat surface or uphill, using your poles for leverage. Work these muscles with exercises like bicycles, woodchops, back extensions, lat pulldowns and dumbbell rows.
6. Arms: Along with your back, arms help push off with your poles while stabilizing your shoulder joints. Be sure to work your biceps (barbell or dumbbell curls) and triceps (try dips or dumbbell extensions).

Injuries to your back and knees can be minimized by engaging in an active exercise program that is specific to snow skiing. Take care of your body and it will take care of you while you are enjoying the great outdoors. You are tuning up your muscles, don't forget to tune up your structure. WHENEVER, you start or change your workout routine, see your Sports Chiropractor first to align the structure so your muscles will have the RIGHT pattern to follow!

Dr. Terry Weyman is the owner of Chiropractic Sports Institute. There are two offices to better serve you. One in Westlake Village, Ca and the other in Moorpark, Ca. For more information on CSI go to their website at

Friday, March 4, 2011

SUPER JUICE- for better performance

Lately, I have been heavily involved with Motocross and Action sports. In order to make quick decisions as well as maintaining a high level of anerobic/aerobic is critical. With qualifiers, Semis and final events going on in the same day, the athletes core temperatures can rise over 100 degree. Clearly, it is of critical importance that proper hydration and nutrition be applied before, during, and after competition.

Throughout my twenty plus years in this areana I have been given many sample sports drinks, energy bars, herbal formulas, and vitamin preparations which, in turn, I would try on myself as well as some of my athletes. Years ago a friend of mine, Dr. Tim Brown, came up with a formula that today still stands as one of the best drinks to rehydrate and replenish. Through his own research and self-experimentation in beach Volleyball evolved a fresh, live, pure alternative energy drink, he called it "Super Juice".

The formula for the “Super Juice” is surprisingly simple. It consists of 2/3 fresh carrot juice combined with equal parts of fresh pressed celery, beet, bell pepper, and apple juices. We instruct the athletes to consume 8-10 ounces fresh spring water while our staff presses the whole fruit and vegetable mix on a per serving basis. Our serving size is 6-8 ounces of “Super Juice” between matches. This “water then juice” combination is our fluid-electrolyte replacement application. At the day’s end, on the way to the hotel or airport, we would give the players 16-20 ounces of the juice without water for carbohydrate replenishment purposes.

Analysis of our Super Juice reveals that it contains high amounts of the antioxidents beta carotine and vitamin C. It also contains the important minerals calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chloride with trace amounts of zinc, copper, iron, and manganese. Finally, the blend includes small amounts of the entire B-complex.

The athletes who drink Super Juice have experienced no gastric problems; the positive response from the athletes has far exceeded our expectations.

Dr.Terry Weyman has been involved with High Action sports from the Olympics to the X-Games for over 20 years. He can be reached at